Welcome to Backside Bus!

Welcome to the Backside Bus blog

What is Backside Bus?

Backside Bus is a technology blog. I'll fill the pages with my opinions, experiences, reviews, tech tips, and other things I find interesting in the IT world as well as fun gadgets and other tech-related stuff. I'll cover projects, such as making a home built PC, coding a Web application, or setting up home automation. Hopefully I'll post something useful, and maybe I can help someone out.

Backside Bus is not striving to be anything more that a fun hobby written by a technology enthusiast. I don't expect to be Lockergnome or CNET or Endgadget any other tech blog (though it would be nice to eventually gain a loyal following). What I write can probably be found in hundreds of other blogs across the Web (my original name - Yet Another Tech Blog - was taken by several other blogs), but hopefully someone somewhere will like the way I say it better.

About Me

I'm a jack of all trades when it comes to technology. I serve as the tech support staff for family and circle of friends. I've set the clocks on hunderds of VCRs, set up home theater systems, recommended tech purchases, installed software, and provided free tech support for most of my life. I have been involved with computers since I received a Texas Instruments TI99-4a computer in 1984, and never looked back. I am an early adopter (when I can afford it), and enjoy poking at new technology to see what it can do. I've been the IT director at several small companies, and am currently a project director at a small company that provides various consulting services to Government and private sector clients. Many of my projects involve IT such as creating and maintaining complex Web applications.

I've always wanted to have a blog.  I've tried a few times, but they've faded away from lack of attention. I think the problem is that they were too general - I'd have too many competing subjects to choose from and end up finishing posts about none of them. I'm hoping that by writing about something as near and dear to my heart as technology, I'll break that chain and get something going.


  1. Hi Sean,
    I like your subject matter choice and will be checking in periodically going forward. If you keep this journal active over several years you will likely find it an entertaining archive of your experiences and reactions to the evolution of computing devices and interfaces. We are nearing a probable cusp point and live in interesting times.

    Jon Wallace


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